Saturday, December 13, 2008

duh PLKN?

just give me a break. later on, I'm goin to push my efforts to decorate this blog. we can wait for that right? later on. is not that i'm a freak on doing this thingies. *sigh* I thought I would never received that letter. luck was just not in my path for the mean time. stupid program. why do the governments need to spend OUR money on this stupid thing. seriously. It can be accepted if the program receives tonnes of positive feedbacks. but nope. what? patriotism is not something that we can instill within the short period of 3 months. I mean. come on. are they so desperate to create a patriotic generations up to the extent that they had to do this program. fine. I'm not that patriotic too, but still I love my country. I knew, I'm going to protect islam, my family, therefore I HAVE to protect my country. patriotic is a matterof how we had grew with it. How we were born with it. This program just pissed me off. Seriously, I can't participate in it. I had sent a letter of exemption from the program with a very-very-very reasonable REASONS, but it came to no avail. I hate it. I WAS crushed. and scared. hey, How do they pick the people? That question is lingering inside me. It scared me till death, imagining how my life is going to be in SABAH. Yeah it is a compulsory-participation AND they throw me dead at the end of Malaysia. Hey, I seriously need my life back. One month at home is not enough for me after a very-very-very tiring journey at LANGKAWI. duh. I guess, I have no rights to say anything.

To make it short, yeah, I was angry. When ummi told me I had got the letter, it was like, I've just been slapped hard at my face. I was tensed up. And they posted it using POS LAJU. What's that supposed to be? They were just wasting their money to inform me? Later, I talked about it with my friend. A good one. It has been so long since I last chatted with him. He was kind. I admired the his willingness to read all my whinings... basically. and the he comforted and covinced me to go there in every single way. yeah. thnx and I owed him thousands of apologies for suffocating his head with my whinings. But still I don't want to go. I can't. Seriously, I'm not going to survive. BELIEVE ME.

Apasallah,dlm byk2 manusia, kat MRSM Langkawi, saya jugak dipilih. Saya pon tidak faham. Sedangkan di maktab saya itu. TERLALU BANYAK CALON LELAKI yang layak untuk menyertainya. Whom really deserve to participate in this stupid program.

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